Nordic-style kitchen, fine order and simplicity balance


Fashion has brought us an elegant, functional and comfortable design that comes directly from the Scandinavian countries. Your furniture, your spaces, your compositions … have become a trend. This is the case of the Nordic style kitchen. Light colors, minimalism, wood, and a different concept of the use of space.

Order and cleaning in the kitchen

Interior kitchen designs coming from northern countries really reflect how a Scandinavian mind conceives space. They usually make compositions to reconcile different rooms while giving the kitchen a warm and charming atmosphere at the same time.

These qualities that we admire so much these last years, results from balancing two essential issues: functionality and simplicity. Never forget the Nordic kitchen must be practical and plays the main role of the house rooms.

A Scandinavian kitchen seems to be always clean and in order. Light has unlimited importance here. The rooms should be bright, something we can achieve with simple lines and with just a few gadgets and decorative elements.

Looking for easy lines and clearness does not mean you can not build a warm environment in your kitchen. Northern designs usually feature elements inspired by nature, with materials like wood or plants as decoration. Because the most important part of a kitchen is always the people who spend time there.

A warm room definitely needs light to make you feel like a real home. We speak of luminous space and the white color is the main actor here. This fact makes this style go hand-in-hand with small kitchens also.

The design tries to take advantage of every single corner of your kitchen but it does not mean you have to say goodbye to aesthetic. There are several elements to define this as the windows in the air, without curtains or blinds, to make the most of natural light.

All these details contribute to the feeling of order and cleanliness in the Scandinavian kitchen that comes to our mind. But it is also a matter of materials.

Nordic kitchen materials

Scandinavian kitchen inspiration has many sources. Ideas come from different environments and styles, and always thinking about what kind of materials to use. And one of the most important parts for them is the use of natural elements, always present in many different ways.

Vertical gardens, aromatic plants, homemade crops … reinforce this vision with the use of materials that empower the rural environment. Perhaps, for this reason, wood is one of the most used materials. But always with simplicity and using light tones. If you need to brighten up the room a bit or just look for a different color in a stay where white is the king, plants are the best option.

Nordic kitchens are open to other decoration and style formulas as well. Combining black and white, using stainless steel finishes or even some geometric shapes are a good choice to create what we are looking for: the Scandinavian atmosphere.

The walls have a lot to say

Each element of a house in northern Europe is chosen with exquisite care and the kitchen is not an exception. Minimalist concepts come true with just a few pieces of furniture and storage accessories in every room.

This does not mean that a kitchen in the northern European countries avoids small pieces of decoration. The white walls can be sprinkled with details as shelves or small pieces of b/w art, as well as storage options like small and minimalist cabinets.

If you choose a different color instead of white, there are plenty of choices too:  Wallpapers with geometric patterns or very soft colors can be a great alternative. This treatment of the walls will give a bit of character to the stay.

The use of accessories to qualify the Nordic kitchen

The excess of white does not mean you can not use other colors. White does not mean everything and you still can get a Scandinavian type of design choosing a different tone. Replace white wood furniture with darker shades or just play with kitchenware possibilities.

The lightest shades are also allowed, including a grayscale or even blue tones. All in order to preserve an ambiance that will be achieved with functional furniture in bright colors or objects with strong colors, like lamps. At the end of the day, we are moving in a style characterized by versatility. It will be easy to get those nuances to project your special Nordic style so you can give your special touch and personality to your home.

Rearranging information

The kitchen has recently become one of the rooms with more notoriety of the house. It is no longer a work area. It is a meeting point and also a stage to create events, family and friends meals, and unforgettable moments. All this is merely deepening the cozy character of the Scandinavian style. The time has come to design your own Nordic style kitchen, don’t you think?